How 20 FEI Riders Share an Arena

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Take a master lesson in something much more important than “jumping good”, and watch these FEI riders “not die or kill anyone else.”

For many horses and riders, the arena familiarization and warm-up can be much more intimidating than the class itself. You’re trying to get yourself in the zone wearing thirteen thousands layers of tight clothes you can’t get dirty while sitting atop a smoke monster in an arena full of other smoke monsters who are also moving and jumping things. It can all be a bit much.

But these horses and riders are as seasoned to the unfamiliar arena lifestyle as you can get, and their instincts are flawless at this point. Watching these 20 horses weave in and out of each other with skill and ease at the CHI Geneva is the most cathartic and relaxing thing you’ll see all day.

There’s more of an overhead view of the warmup here, as well as a peek at Geneva’s trade show and backstage area:

We’ll have reports coming in from Switzerland later today, so keep your JN tab open and refreshed, and Go Jumping!