Wellington, FL – October 4, 2016 Due to the ongoing threat of Hurricane Matthew to the east coast of Florida, Equestrian Sport Productions (ESP) has made the executive decision to cancel the ESP October Show, which was to be held at Palm Beach International Equestrian Center (PBIEC) from Saturday, October 7, to Sunday October 9.
Hurricane Matthew made landfall along the eastern coast of Cuba earlier this evening and is still being listed as a Category Four event, which is considered quite dangerous.
Meteorologists don’t know at this point if Matthew will make landfall in the US or stay out over the ocean, but projections show that if it did cross into land, there could be significant damage and danger. There’s enough concern that they simply can’t go on with the show.
Courtesy of Wunderground.

Courtesy of Wunderground.

Due to insurance regulations at ESP, all facilities will go into mandatory lockdown mode if storm watches or warnings are posted in the region, resulting in the early cancellation of the competition.
The ESP Fall Series will resume as scheduled with ESP Fall I beginning on Friday, October 16, and concluding on Sunday, October 18, at the main PBIEC facility.
For more information on PBIEC please visit www.pbiec.com.