10 More Gorgeous Horse Show Skies

Oh Del Mar. I just can’t quit you. We’re excited to get a little vicarious thrill in Southern California courtesy of the Del Mar International Horse Show the next couple of weekends, but it’s one of several venues that have us swooning this time of year. Did you favorite horse show venue get a sky show of its own recently? Look below to find out! (And if you caught a beautiful scene at another horse show recently, be sure to email our editor at lorraine@nationmediallc.com or tag us on instagram @jumper_nation.

(Shhhhh…. wanna know a secret? There’s actually 11, but we couldn’t narrow it down because every last one of these ‘grams is delicious, but 10 just sounds better than 11. #seriousjournalismguys)


Casey and Leon having a romantic moment watching the sunset ❤️#FhfChamps2016

A photo posted by Flower Hill Farms (@flowerhillfarms) on

The calm before the storm.

A photo posted by Tracy Raflowitz (@tlr70) on

When you're actually the only horse out…. #thecalmafterthestorm

A photo posted by AKV ©™ (@piicoooo) on

Amazing horse show sunset. Perfect 😍

A photo posted by Sara Bradley (@middleagedrunner) on

Go Jumping!