Following a successful two weeks of competition at the Traverse City Spring Horse Show, presented by Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel, the pinnacle of the inaugu...
Tryon Summer 3, part of the Tryon Summer Series at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC), wrapped up on Sunday, June 28. Competition once again was excep...
Alexandra Pielet (Highland Park, IL) and Helene Ve claimed their first national Grand Prix win together on Sunday, flying around the jump-off course in a time o...
2008 Olympic champion Eric Lamaze has welcomed a new Olympic show jumping prospect to his Torrey Pines Stable. In partnership with Mark and Tara Rein, Lamaze h...
Amanda Derbyshire (GBR) and Luibanta BH sped to win the $73,000 Tryon Resort Grand Prix CSI 2* at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC), stopping the jum...
TIEC’s first international class of 2020 was hosted Wednesday, June 24 in Tryon Stadium to kick off Tryon Summer 3 CSI 2* competition with the $10,000 Power &am...
Amanda Derbyshire (GBR) and Luibanta BH bested the $37,000 Horseware Ireland Welcome Stake CSI 2* at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC) during Tryon S...
The Capital Challenge Horse Show will welcome the country’s top hunter horses and riders for the year-end finale of the World Championship Hunter Rider (WCHR) P...
FEI's Sophie Baker shares four stretches that we all should be doing daily to help ourselves become as loose and supple as our horses.
Photo by FEI.
When ...
The word "return" took on multiple meanings when Dalman Show Jumping traveled to Flintfields Horse Park for the start of the summer show season at Traverse City...