The Equestrian Aid Foundation is proud to announce the distribution of 160 relief checks to equestrians in financial crisis as a direct result of the COVID-19 p...
In the light of recent global events, we are seeing more terrific initiatives from the equestrian community to help out. Here we'll compile some we have come ac...
Are you in the market for a new young horse? Dani G. Waldman of Starwyn Farms/Waldman Horses has teamed up with Everse Horses to host a live, online auction of...
In concert with the Morrissey Management group, the Silver Oak Jumper Tournament is proud and excited to expand on its annual gathering at the country’s fin...
The Pennsylvania National Horse Show is scheduled to run October 10-17, 2020. On April 13, management released a letter to competitors, supporters, and others ...
It’s official!
HITS Chicago is moving from Balmoral Park in Crete, Illinois to Lamplight Equestrian Center in Wayne, Illinois beginning in 2020. “We are confid...
A NEW webinar series has launched to help us all educated on the most pressing topics in equine healthcare. The series is called For the Love of the Horse and ...
April 7 was World Health Day, a theme that is fitting for the current COVID-19 circumstances. Let's dive into what one stable in particular is doing to stay sa...
M. Michael Meller and Dennis Sisco of QBS Equestrian are pleased to congratulate Natalie Dean on the purchase of Chance Ste Hermelle. A talented 12-year-old Bel...
Due to the limited competition opportunities both now and for the foreseeable future, equestrians have the rare opportunity to take advantage of the time out of...