Susan Glover

Horse Showing is a Muscle

We did it! Steve and I finally got back in the jumper ring, and it happened before the end of 2020! Now, this was a schooling show and there were…um…only two pe...

What’s Your Lowest Bar? A Follow Up Column!

2020 has made horse showing difficult for me, in many ways. I have been very lucky not to be personally hit with the tragedy of COVID-19, and not being able to ...

Is This the Future of Showing?

There have been SO many things going on with horse shows lately, from cancellations to concerns about leadership at the USEF level, to exorbitant costs, racism,...

Musings on Martingales

Lately, I have been watching a lot of live feeds of grand prix and other high level jumper classes, as shows are running again. One of the things I perpetually ...

Thoughts on Inequality and Racism

On June 9, 2020, Bill Moroney, President of US Equestrian, released a letter regarding the organization's stance on racism and its commitment to diversity in eq...