It only comes once a year, and every year is special. We’ve got your playbook for USEF Pony Finals presented by Collecting Gaits Farm so you can make the most of the event when it takes place Aug. 8-13 at the Kentucky Horse Park.

See all the live stream action on USEF Network. Starting Tuesday, Aug. 8, at 9:30 a.m., stay tuned to USEF Network’s coverage. Can’t watch all day? We’ve got you covered with on-demand video. To access the stream, simply log in with your member number and password. (If you’re not a USEF member, you can still watch – they’re running a special promotion where you can get a free fan membership using the promo code PonyFinals17)
Keep up to date with is your info hub, with results, the prize list, a schedule, a link to the live stream, a link to the official event photographer, and more!
Find US Equestrian: on Facebook (@USequestrian, @USEFNetwork, @USEFPonyFinals), Instagram, and Twitter (@USequestrian, USEFNetwork) for all the latest from the ring and behind the scenes.
Live Results: Minute-by-minute scoring is available on ShowNet, but you will need a paid subscription to see results there. Equestrian Live will have delayed results about 48 hours following a class.
Full Schedule: