Wellington, Fla. – Nov. 26, 2016 – Tune in at 9:35 a.m. EST on Monday, Nov. 28 to hear from the legendary George Morris on the Second Annual Horse Radio Network Holiday Radiothon. Morris is excited to be part of the fantastic line up of guests that will be featured in the 12-hour long, holiday event beginning at 9 a.m.
During the Cyber Monday Party, listeners will have a chance to win his new book: UNRELENTING -The Real Story: Horses, Bright Lights, and My Pursuit of Excellence, learn how Morris spends his holidays, hear his favorite holiday memories and highlights of the past year and more.
After retiring as Chef d’Equipe of the United States Show Jumping Team, Morris has set his sights on developing the future of the sport by focusing on helping riders develop correct form and function. Morris has often been referred to as the founding father of hunt seat equitation. Second to none, his teachings, technique and style are revered around the world. Over the course of his career, Morris has been highly successful as a rider, coach, clinician, author and judge.
Listeners will also have an opportunity to win prizes! More information can be found here.
Learn more about the 2nd Annual Horse Radio Network Holiday Radiothon here and their featured guests here.