Get Tidy Braids: Tips from Courtney Carson

Shows are in full swing now…and with that comes braiding.  Personally, I’m horrible at braiding (sorry, mare!) so I can use any tips I can get.  If I can hire a braider, I do it…but sometimes, I’m in a situation where I’ve got to do it myself.  Practice makes perfect…or at least, presentable!  This post originally appeared on our sister site, Eventing Nation.

I’ve been a fan girl of Courtney Carson’s for a few years now, and her impeccable turnout of the Payne Equestrian horses is always something to be admired at events. Not only is she a star groom, she’s also been a champion for several important issues such as groom representation in FEI competition. Basically, she’s someone you want in your corner. Always willing to lend some advice, Courtney teamed up with US Equestrian to offer up her best practices for getting those perfect braids every time.

Take a look and take a practice spin on your horse before your next competition!

Featured photo: Courtney Carson with Doug Payne. Note her beautiful braids on Vandiver. Photo by Abby Powell.