Week V of the Great American Summer Series, presented by Alliant Private Client, featured the third $200,000 Grand Prix of the Series, sponsored by long-tim...
The Equifest Series at the beautiful Lamplight Equestrian Center, the new home of the HITS Chicago Show Series, continued this week with a $10,000 USHJA Int...
The United States Hunter Jumper Association today, August 4, announced the cancellation of the 2020 Platinum Performance/USHJA Green Hunter Incentive Championsh...
In summer 2020, we launched a 1st Annual $5,000+ Diversity Scholarship with the support of generous donors, inviting minority equestrians to contribute to the d...
When I was in my early twenties, I took a break from the traditional "office life" and ventured out east to groom for a show jumper in Maryland. This was durin...
In summer 2020, we launched a 1st Annual $5,000+ Diversity Scholarship with the support of generous donors, inviting minority equestrians to contribute to the d...
The following letter was released by US Equestrian CEO Bill Moroney on August 2 at 6:10pm CST.
Last night, US Equestrian and Kentucky Horse Shows, LLC ma...
The following statement was released by Kentucky Horse Shows and USEF today, August 1 at 4:54pm CST.
We have been notified today that two more indivi...
This post originally appeared on our sister site Eventing Nation and was written by Shelby Allen.
It looks like COVID-19 isn’t going away anytime soon, s...
Earlier this month, we launched a $5,000 Diversity Scholarship with the support of generous donors, inviting minority equestrians to contribute to the discussio...