USEF Requests Member Review of Complaint & Grievance Procedures

The USEF dispute and grievance processes and procedures have been under review this year, 2020. The USEF continually strives to listen to its members and improve its processes to ensure that it delivers the best and most fair process to its members. Having heard from its athletes, owners, volunteers, and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, as well as others, the USEF has drafted amendments responsive to the comments and suggestions received.

The proposed amendments to the USEF Bylaws will be considered by the USEF Board of Directors at a meeting following a 30-day consultation period during which time it will receive, review, and consider feedback. The proposed amendments would alter the Bylaws in order to enact structural reforms to the dispute and grievance processes. The attached draft would replace Part VII in the current Bylaws and eliminate the need for Chapter 6 of the Rulebook. That chapter would be removed. Additionally, clarifications would be made as a result the United States Olympic Committee name change to the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee. The effective date would be the first day of the month following the Board’s approval of the Bylaw amendments. The draft can be found here.


If you are a Life, Senior Active, or Junior Active member and would like to comment on these proposed amendments, you may do so by submitting comments through the proposed amendments form, or by email or mail. All comments must be received by USEF on or before July 9, 2020. Please include your membership number along with your comments. All comments will be reviewed and taken into consideration.

The address for submission is:


General Counsel
United States Equestrian Federation
4001 Wing Commander Way
Lexington, KY 40511

For additional information concerning the proposed amendments, please contact USEF General Counsel Sonja Keating at +1 (859) 225-2045 or

Athletes currently wishing to file a grievance challenging a denial or threatened denial to participate in competition, please see the Athlete’s Guide to Filing a Grievance Regarding Opportunity to Participate and Grievance Form. For procedural guidance for filing a grievance, please contact Emily Pratt at