This last weekend history was made when Alberto Sanchez-Cozar and Gonzalo Azcárraga both stopped the clock in the jump-off at the same exact time: 48.95 seconds.
The first round proved to be tricky, leaving only three clear for the final phase. Lorenza O’Farrill would give the track its first test of the night, but had an unfortunate rail after putting in a speedy round at 48.79.
Who would have guessed that the final two battling it out for the top spot on the winner’s podium would have to share the honors? Watch their side-by-side rides below to see just how it all played out.
NAL – Guadalajara – Side by side
⚡⚡History was made in Guadalajara 🇲🇽today on the Longines FEI Jumping World Cup North American League! Gonzalo Azcarraga and Alberto Sanchez-Cozar laid down indectical times and shared the victory 🏆 It's time to play 'spot the difference' as we compare their rounds ⚡⚡
Posted by The Las Vegas National – Nov. 16-22, 2020 on Saturday, January 25, 2020
Go Jumping!