At Tryon International Equestrian Center's Tryon Summer 1, David O’Brien (Lexington, KY) and La Belle SCF separated themselves from the rest of the field in the...
At Tryon International Equestrian Center's Tryon Summer 1, Kristen VanderVeen (Wellington, FL) and Bull Run’s Divine Fortune stopped the jump-off timers in 28.0...
Todd Minikus (Lake Worth, FL) and Amex Z secured a double victory during Tryon Summer 1 at Tryon International Equestrian Center (TIEC), winning both the $75,00...
When shelter-in-place orders were announced surrounding the coronavirus pandemic, the True North Stables team made the decision to extend its time in Wellington...
Armand Leone, Jr. of Leone Law is back to help answer a frequently asked question from boarders.
Q: I board my horse at a local stable, and unfortunately...
Traverse City Horse Shows (TCHS) is thrilled to begin kicking off its summer horse shows soon, starting with Traverse City Spring Horse Show June 17-28, followe...
The following letter was released on June 12 from Robert Ridland, President of Blenheim EquiSports. Blenheim EquiSports holds incredible equestrian competition ...
Tom Struzzieri, owner of HITS, has provided a new update on the HITS Summer Series at HITS Chicago, HITS Saugerties, and HITS Culpeper.
HITS Culpeper
The USEF dispute and grievance processes and procedures have been under review this year, 2020. The USEF continually strives to listen to its members and im...
Equestrian Sport Productions (ESP) is seeking feedback from all who attended its May and June horse shows, particularly in regards to whether you felt safe with...