The Daily Gift Guide is the internet’s best curated collection of equine assortments that will stir the heart on Christmas morning, be the envy of the barn gift exchange, or give you the perfect excuse to treat yo’self or your beloved equine this holiday season. You can see all our previous Daily Gift Guide suggestions here.

PC: Maelort & Co.
Alright, this is definitely a pie-in-the-sky dreamer as far as gifts go, but it’s so insanely fabulous that we can’t resist sharing it. And you can always forward it to the appropriate parent / significant other / sugar daddy in hopes that they’ll go that whole “this is for the next five Christmases and Birthdays” route. It’s worth it.
Maelort & Co. has invented a brilliant and stylish duffle that not only fits a wide variety of worldly goods, but it also fits your TALL BOOTS. They get their own secret compartment that keeps your boots separate from the rest of your gear / apparel, but it’s still sized appropriately for carry-on if you’re flying. GENIUS.

PC: Maelort & Co.
It’s also super-stylish with gold metallic zippers, made of a durable but stylishly sheened nylon, and features multiple hidden pockets and other surprises.
It’s a spender at $310, but consider it the last duffel bag you’ll ever need or want to buy.

PC: Maelort & Co.

PC: Maelort & Co.
Check out more details at
Go Jumping!