Long Spot Mondays

fullsizerenderBrittney Marshall and Twist of Fate. 

Oh Mondays! Getting back in the swing of the week is always a little bit like taking the long spot. You’re just. never. ready for it. But the best part of a long spot is living to tell the tale!

That’s especially true in this week’s spectacular Long Spot, who had to battle back in more ways than one. Owner Brittney Marshall tells us that her 15.2 Off-the-Track-Thoroughbred mare Twist of Fate (“Twizzler” at home) was a rescue who didn’t even qualify as a “one” on the body score scale when she was saved. “But with some groceries, love, and TLC she made a complete turnaround.”

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Twizzler before and after. Photos courtesy of Brittney Marshall.

The mare is full of fire and loves to jump. “She likes to give my trainer and my mom a heart attack on a weekly basis.For some reason she thinks I can manage to keep up with her and her long spots, but there’s no stopping her when she wants to take it! Gotta love her, I know I do.”

We love seeing a horse get a home and a job, even if they do have a sometimes unconventional way of getting it done! If you’ve got a submission for Long Spot Mondays, send us an email at lorraine@nationmediallc.com with your photo and a little bit of background, and we’ll do the rest.

Go Jumping!